

Supporting Students with Disabilities in Higher Education and Beyond

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A playbook to support disability services and career services. 


16.4 million

working-age people have a disability in the labor force today. 

Roughly 30 percent of workers with a disability are employed part-time and roughly 7.2 percent in 2023 are unemployed, about twice that of those with no disability, according to data from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics. The youth unemployment rate in 2023 for those with a disability was at 11.8 percent, about twice that of those with no disability.

The number of college students with a disability has steadily increased with most recent data from 2020 finding that nearly 20 percent of undergraduates reported having a disability and more than 90 percent of all colleges enroll students with a disability. And this doesn’t account for the number of students who don’t even disclose that they have a disability.

So, what can higher education do to support this growing student population to be successful during college, and after?

This playbook intends to highlight the needs of this student population, the challenges faced during and after their college experiences, and offer guidance on what institutions can do to bridge this gap. Symplicity is co-authoring this playbook with John Robinson, a quadruple congenital amputee who is the CEO and founder of Our Ability, the only disability owned and operated business dedicated to building employment opportunities through job platforms, employment webinars, digital profile system and personal empowerment.

Designed to support an institution-wide approach to student success, Symplicity CSM and Accommodate break down the departmental silos that are often barriers to offering a holistic student experience. 

For more than 20 years, Symplicity's integrated products have solved the challenges of multiple vendors and technology tools used in different departments, IT inefficiencies (data integration, training, and data security), students having multiple systems to log into, and departmental end users using different tools for different situations and variation from one campus to the next.

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About John Robinson and Our Ability

John is a quadruple congenital amputee and founded Our Ability, a company dedicated to connecting individuals with disabilities towards education and employment through mentoring, workshops, public speaking as well as job placement. Our Ability is the only disability owned and operated business dedicated to building employment opportunities through our job platforms, employment webinars, digital profile system and personal empowerment. John has made it his life’s work to ensure that individuals with disabilities receive equal employment benefits and opportunities. 
