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Posts about: company culture


On-Campus Employer Branding Strategies

Reputation can make or break an organization. The reputation your organization builds with prospective hires is commonly referred to as your employer brand. Building a strong and recognizable employer brand is a crucial component of a successful recruitment strategy. Your employer brand is an organizational image that ultimately tells [...]

Using Current Employees to Recruit Entry-Level Hires

Many people have a strong sense of pride regarding the school they graduated from. It is nearly impossible to get through the day without seeing college stickers affixed to cars or people wearing clothing with a school logo emblazoned on the front. For your staff, reminiscing with former and current students at their alma mater will [...]

Is Your Website Attracting Entry-Level Candidates?

Many companies today are having a difficult time sourcing high-quality candidates for their entry-level positions. This isn't because the candidates aren't out there, it's just that recruiters are having a hard time finding the "right" candidates for their available jobs. In an attempt to solve this problem, HR managers are constantly [...]

Using Videos to Recruit Entry-Level Candidates

One of the best ways a company can attract entry-level candidates is by using recruitment videos. Recruitment videos are a creative way to showcase a company’s brand, culture, and what an entry-level career path could look like. Continue reading to learn the benefits and best practices for creating and marketing a successful recruitment [...]