Yeshiva University Increases Employer and Alumni Relations with CSM


Heralded as the country’s oldest and most comprehensive institution of Jewish learning in the United States, Yeshiva University (YU) in New York City has been a CSM partner since 2007. YU’s students not only study general academics, but also learn alongside a comprehensive Jewish studies curriculum. Symplicity helps YU’s Shevet Glaubach Center for Career Strategy and Professional Development focus on supporting the students first.

YU & Symplicity’s partnerships started thirteen years ago when YU was looking to streamline its employer and alumni relations. With CSM, YU has been able to successfully connect students to viable internships, job opportunities, and has enabled them to better connect with alumni that share the same YU values.


To support its employer relations, YU utilizes CSM to successfully connect with its robust alumni with virtual career fairs, virtual meet ups, and connecting with their alumni in Israel and around the globe. Since implementing CSM, YU now has a strong alumni employer database for on and off campus engagement. YU uses CSM’s campaign manager module for outreach on events while connecting with alumni, helping students connect with employers across industries. If the staff are hoping to connect students in a specific field, they can easily filter those contacts within the campaign manager.

In 2021, YU started to use the CSM Pathways module to track student progress across their early career lifecycle. By utilizing CSM’s reporting modules, Pathways, and Career Roadmaps, YU can strategically identify which students need more support and ensure that the values of YU are imparted across a student’s entire YU lifecycle. “One of the reasons we are a power user of Symplicity is because there is just so much data reporting we can get out of the system,” said Joshua Meredith, Director of Career Strategy and Technology. “It makes it easy for us to track and support large swaths of students easily.”

Easily customizable, CSM has continued to grow with YU’s initiatives. Recently, YU has integrated Symplicity with its Connections and Partnerships for Success (CAPS) program, a community based advising system that brings alumni, faculty and employers together with likeminded YU students. Within Symplicity, YU has integrated the CAPS initiative into the CSM system allowing students to easily sign up for a community and be assigned to a career-advisor that is best suited to work with the student on his or her career strategy. Developed by Susan Bauer, Executive Director of YU’s Shevet Glaubach Center for Career Strategy and Professional Development, CAPS enables alumni employers to better connect with students who are aligned with their job openings and provide students a better filter for their job and internship search.

“We make sure that a student is prepared for an interview, working towards the career that they want career exploration, and Symplicity helps us do that through the system so that we can organize and make sure that our students are going in the right direction”

Joshua Meredith, Director of Career Strategy and Technology, Yeshiva University Shevet Glaubach Center for Career Strategy and Professional Development



For over ten years, YU has been able to successfully support its students for lifelong success that aligns with their core values as a Jewish institution. Additionally, no matter where a student is at, YU is empowered to support its students with CSM to manage student outcomes, provide solutions to students seeking career guidance, connect with alumni and employers, and provide valuable insights into YU’s students with reputable data. “Our office works from soup to nuts on the advising side making sure a student is prepared for an interview or career exploration. Symplicity helps us organize and make sure our students are going in the right direction.” said Todd Lotcpeich, Director of Employer Relations and Engagement at YU’s Shevet Glaubach Center for Career Strategy and Professional Development.

“Symplicity is relatively simple to use and customize... I find it's true, Symplicity is really more focused on the school's experience as opposed to the employer, which helps us serve our students as the career center. We want the platform we choose to help service the students and Symplicity does just that.”

Todd Lotcpeich, Director of Employer Relations and Engagement, Yeshiva University Shevet Glaubach Center for Career Strategy and Professional Development


alumni, CSM, Networking, Experiential Learning, career readiness, Career Services, Internships, Career Centers, Internship, early careers

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