3 Company DEI Initiatives Students Care About

A big part of attracting diverse groups of candidates to entry-level roles is being able to demonstrate strong diversity initiatives. Gen Z is not only the most diverse generation entering the job market but also one that strives to hold companies accountable for their commitment to diversity and inclusion (DEI). This past spring, Symplicity Recruit conducted the State of Early Talent survey to find out more about how graduating students approach their job search. What stood out to us was discovering more about student trends around the company DEI initiatives they care about most. Here’s what we learned. 

87 percent of Students Consider Pay Transparency the Most Important Initiative


2023 State of Early Talent Recruiting Stat


It’s no secret that salary is a major driving force in the job search for Gen Z. Much like everyone else, graduating students are motivated by their potential salaries and the hopes that these will grant them the financial freedom they seek during a shaky economy. Out of the 3,700 students surveyed by Symplicity Recruit, 87 percent of them agree that pay transparency and equity are important or very important to them.

Although talking about money has been greatly discouraged in the past, Gen Z feels this is an issue that should no longer be talked about behind closed doors. When companies disclose compensation data, it's much harder to ignore pay disparities. Gen Z feels this is a good way to focus on closing gender and racial pay gaps by ensuring employers are putting their money where their mouth is and hiring practices are up to par with their expectations.

What Does This Mean for Employers?

Although talking about salary is a touchy subject, employee feedback suggests that for meaningful progress to occur in the workplace, employers need to be transparent and upfront about salary expectations as part of their recruitment efforts. This helps improve the workplace by attracting more diverse candidates and fortifying DEI initiatives students are passionate about in an effort to improve workspaces for everyone and build trust with employees. 

Moreover, salary transparency is slowly becoming part of a more general trend for which new laws are in place in states like California and Rhode Island among others. This gives employers a chance to cultivate a positive reputation and promote pay equity to job seekers in their job descriptions.

Inclusive Benefits

Along with pay transparency, inclusive benefits packages that offer a comprehensive array of health support are very much a priority for Gen Z. Our survey results show that 73 percent of students consider inclusive benefits to be important or very important. Gen Z isn’t just looking for basic healthcare, but this generation is more concerned with having access to mental health benefits, women’s health support, enhanced parental leave, and schedule flexibility. This is especially true for this generation as these types of benefits directly affect women and other gender and racial minority groups entering the workforce.  

What Does This Mean for Employers?

By offering inclusive work benefits, employers support diversity and create a more stable and enjoyable work environment for everyone. Remember, we’re living in a job seeker’s market and as Gen Z continues to reevaluate what’s important in the workplace, it’s key for employers to keep up with trends and aim to make every employee feel valued.  

Creating Diverse Teams

A diverse team makeup of new hires is something Gen Z values when entering a new workspace. Over 70 percent of students surveyed, rated the diversity of the team as important or very important. Gen Z feels, and studies show increased job performance, it allows them the freedom to feel comfortable enough to actively share ideas and participate in the group, making employees feel valued. It’s a way for Gen Zers to feel included and empowered in their positions in the company as newcomers and set the tone by providing an inclusive workplace environment for all, beyond just the younger generation.  

What Does This Mean for Employers?

By showcasing the diversity of your team, employers strengthen morale and increase productivity all around, leading to higher rates of satisfaction and much lower turnover rates. Moreover, by having a diverse team in place, companies benefit from a wide array of skill sets that improve the overall quality of the work.  

About Symplicity Recruit

Symplicity Recruit is the premier early talent recruiting platform used by over 600,000 employers. Key features include centralized management of job postings across a network of over 600 academic institutions, a filterable resume database, and the ability to directly message students.

2023 State of Early Talent Recruiting Report

To learn more about the 2023 state of early talent recruiting and the job search process, click below to download the full report.  

Read Report Here


Recruiting, Student Engagement, Employer Engagement, Virtual Recruiting, Symplicity Recruit, Growth Acquisition, virtual recruiting strategy, Talent Acquisition, Quality Candidates, Jobseekers

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