4 New Updates with CSM 8.9

Symplicity CSM is constantly innovating based on the career services needs of our university partners. Check out the latest updates to help provide your student job seekers more opportunities and career preparation tools than ever before.

1. External Application Tracking
We get it - employers are asking students to apply to their positions outside of CSM, and tracking those applications is a must. That is where this update shines - when your students apply to jobs that send them outside of CSM, we’ll prompt them to confirm those external applications. When they do, a brand-new application record pops up in CSM. No more missing out on valuable data. The new application will be linked to the employer and job, and it’s even fully reportable.

2. Report-A-Hire: Outcomes Capturing
Imagine tracking your students’ journey from part-time job to internship and full-time employment easily in one place. Gathering those elusive outcomes just got smoother than ever. We know the hustle to collect outcomes from students and alumni can be a challenge. Picture this: as students step into your CSM world, we’ll nudge them to share if they’ve clinched a job offer or are still on the hunt. If it’s a victory dance, we’ll present a list of their applied jobs. A quick click and save, and voila! An outcomes record is added to your system. 

3. Employer Homepage Tiles
Ready to boost employer navigation in your system? Just like the tiles we added to the student interface last year, now employers get the spotlight. These dynamic tiles whisk employers to the most popular actions completed by contacts in CSM. With these tiles, your office holds the reins, you can craft a customized experience by arranging actions and tailoring text.

4. Auto-create Job Alerts for Students
Students want the systems they interact with to provide personalized and meaningful experiences. One of the ways we do this on CSM is with Job Alerts, as students get relevant jobs sent to them based on their saved searches. Not all students know how to set-up job alerts, so we have made it so that the very first time a student performs a job search in CSM, we will auto-create a job alert and inform the student what they are and how to maximize the benefits of these alerts. This will in turn increase student engagement and access to opportunities in your system.

Clients, look out for these features with the 8.9 update released on September 27th. 

If you’re looking for a career services platform to help your students land their dream careers, learn more here.

CSM, Higher Ed, Career Services, Employability Solutions, Internships and Co-Ops, Career Centers

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