Symplicity Spotlight: Alicia Freeland

Each and every day, our client managers across the globe help make our clients' day-to-day just a little bit easier so that they can better support their students. With a client support team that comes from across the student success spectrum, clients continuously speak to the dedication of our client support team, and we at Symplicity want to give them the attention they deserve. In our series, Symplicity Spotlight, we’re pulling back the curtain on our client support team.

In our latest installment, we chat with Lead Client Manager Alicia Freeland! For more than ten years Alicia brings both her vigor and enthusiasm to help Accommodate clients succeed while overseeing a team that day and day out helps disability services offices across the country better support their students. 

Tell us a little about your career history in higher ed?

I held roles in Dean of Students, Residential Life, Student Conduct and EOP Programs. I was always passionate about helping out students in any way possible. If they needed help that was outside my realm, I would help that student until they received the assistance they needed.

What got you interested in higher education?

I admit, when in my undergrad, I did a year-long internship at a high school, while also a Resident Assistant. After that year, I knew that I wanted to work with, and help, college-aged students. Also, personally, I became a student of my undergraduate’s accessibility services office. It was through that experience, I improved exponentially in my academics. That experience has never left me and is constantly on my mind when I get to work with offices that provide those same services to students in need of accommodations.

What brought you to join Symplicity and look into a career in edtech?

At the time in my life that the opportunity to work with Symplicity came about, I honestly took the role because it made sense for me personally and mentally. I also have always had a fascination with technology and I was excited to use technology in a job that helps those to assist students. 

How does your previous work in higher ed translate to your work supporting Symplicity clients?

Having been in higher ed for more than 10 years, I feel I can relate to most clients when discussing issues they’re experiencing. I am always hopeful my background can be useful when communicating with clients.

In your view, what are some of the biggest changes student success roles in higher ed in the last five years?

Students coming into any higher ed office may be coming in for more than just the one issue you assume they’re needing assistance with. That said, many of those in Student Success roles feel they need to be informed of all possible resources for students in case they need to refer the student to additional support. This adds additional responsibilities to such higher ed staff to ensure they’re aware of all the institution’s resources, or at least know where to direct students to in order to get assistance. 

What’s the biggest pain points for clients today?

One, getting open and accepting support from their entire institution. Two, constantly worrying about removing barriers for students to access accommodations; but at the same point, Professionals of Accessibility Services are constantly running into barriers from higher ed staff who don’t understand the implications of not supporting a student with accommodations and/or ‘fighting’ about having to log into Accommodate. Plus, pushback on additional steps Faculty need to take to be part of the process.  

Tell us a story of a client’s struggle that you helped them solve with CSM.

Reporting! Hands down, that is the one tool in the system that I know always assists clients. Having been with Symplicity for 10 years, I come across clients who comment on how the reports they run now, used to take them hours and hours, or even multiple amounts of days to execute. Hearing this always makes my heart sing.

What’s your favorite feature within Accommodate?

Quick Notes: The ability to email directly into a student’s case file. The email will create a Note and if there are any attachments, they will go to the Documents tab. I feel this is an amazing time saver!

What’s a feature you think people don’t use enough?

The ‘Assigned To’ feature. This allows you to assign case files to specific staff. I believe this is a great way to streamline notifications and keep track of who is responsible for which cases/students

What is one thing you would tell someone considering ACC?

I think I would actually ask them a question: If there were to be another situation where you were unable to go into your office, and had to work remotely; do you feel you would be able to do so successfully? Accommodate can provide that comfort for you.

Outside of work, what do you enjoy doing?

I LOVE doing so many things. I have a passion for the outdoors; hiking, gardening and spending time in the pool with my kiddos. I am also passionate about my indoor plants and keeping greenery nearby. I am also part of my family’s weekly bowling team that have bowled together for more than a decade. Our team name is ‘Family Therapy.' 😉


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CSM, Symplicity, Experiential Learning, client experience, support, Symplicity Spotlight, client success

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