How Brooklyn College Employs a Holistic Approach to Higher Education

At CUNY Brooklyn College, students are exposed to a competitive environment early in their college careers. Most of its students are low-income, first-generation college students. Many of them work part-time jobs during the school year; however, some of their work experiences are not directly tied to their majors.

The Magner Career Center provides students with the knowledge, skills, values and opportunities that are essential to fulfilling their career aspirations. At the Magner Center, students are encouraged to seek career counseling and practice experiential learning opportunities early on. Through partnerships with employers, alumni, and faculty and staff, the Magner Center ensures that students are prepared to succeed in today’s competitive global economy.

To manage ongoing communications with students and key stakeholders, the Magner Center has been using CSM by Symplicity since 2015. Andre Fontenelle, Associate Director for Internships and Employer Relations, describes Symplicity as "essentially one of our staff." The platform integrates seamlessly with their university systems. It has also helped the career center do more targeted outreach to its students by sending specific communications based on their interests, major, or skillsets.

Symplicity allows the career center to reach out to alumni interested in helping students with mentoring and skills development. "Magner does a great job at collecting leads from past students," Lisa Dicce, Director of Alumni Affairs, said. "[Alumni] are excited when they can bring new talent to their company."

Students at Brooklyn College are also actively using Symplicity to apply to jobs, build connections with employers, and search for career-related events on campus. "From a student standpoint, it’s awesome because it interconnects everyone," Diana Ramsook, an undergraduate student, said. "You have genuine employers reaching out to you and you’re able to apply with them directly, so it makes life easier," she said.

Symplicity recently partnered with Brooklyn College and the Magner Career Center to showcase how CSM has helped the school develop a holistic approach to higher education.

Watch the video testimonial here.

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