In Depth Feature: Symplicity Recruit (formerly OneStop) Talent Search

One of the features recruiters enjoy most about the Symplicity Recruit Advanced Recruiting Package is the Talent Search. However, in speaking with our Symplicity Recruit support team, we found that not all recruiters with Symplicity Recruit accounts are aware that this feature is available. We’d like to take this opportunity to provide an in-depth look at Talent Search.

For readers who are new to our site and Symplicity’s products, Symplicity Recruit is the integrated recruitment portal that enables recruiters to streamline critical hiring tasks across multiple schools. So not only can recruiters enter a job posting or profile once and send it out to multiple schools with a few clicks, they can also utilize our Advanced Recruiting Package to manage On Campus Recruiting tasks, Career Fair and Event registrations, and browse actively seeking student resumes utilizing Talent Search.

Talent Search eliminates the need for recruiters to manage their Symplicity school resume book searches on a per-school basis.  Instead, recruiters are able to conduct rich searches, targeting all resume books to which their subscribed-to schools have given them access, through a single sign-on! Recruiters are able to search on any (or all) of these criteria:

  • SAT/GMAT score
  • GPA
  • Area of Study
  • Geographic Preference
  • Industry Expertise
  • Industry Preference
  • Job Function Preference

In addition, employers are able to conduct keyword searches on the resumes, and have results sorted by closest match.  Below are some tips for maximizing your resume text searches:


Varsity And Chess


Will only return results that contain both words within the resume.


Varsity Or Chess


Will return results that contain either varsity OR chess in the resume.


Varsity And Not Chess


Will return those resumes that contain the word varsity; will exclude the resumes that contain the word chess.

Parenthesis seperate keyword subsets


Varsity Or Chess And Not Poker


Seperate keyword subsets to create a more refined search.

Wildcard character




Using * after a root word will return any results that contain a variation of that root word in the resume. In this example, the search would return any results that contain the words trader, trading, trade, etc.

Quotation marks identify phrases


"Varsity Athlete"


Will only return resumes that have the exact phrase. In this example, only resumes that have the phrase varsity athlete will appear in the results.

For more information or to schedule a live demonstration of Symplicity Recruit, click here.

Recruiting, symplicity onestop, talent search, Best Practices, Career Services, on-campus recruiting

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