Introducing Symplicity Curated Job Feed

Career services offices play a critical role in preparing students for life after college; however, only 17% of recent graduates believe their career services office was helpful (Gallup-Purdue Index, 2016). Reports suggest that career-services experiences do not vary by type of institution, and graduates with engineering (62%) and business (58%) degrees are most likely to have visited their career services office. University career centers today are challenged with engaging more “modern students,” or students who are traditionally underserved by career services. First-generation college students, transfer students, and students with non-STEM majors are less likely to say they used career services or rate their experience positively.

On the flip side, graduates who had very helpful career-services experiences are 5.8 times more likely to say their university prepared them well for life outside of college, 3.4 times more likely to recommend their school to others and 2.6 times more likely to donate to their alma mater than those who said their career-services experiences were not at all helpful. In order to engage traditionally underserved populations on campus, career centers must diversify their services and provide more relevant, entry-level opportunities to students on campus.

Symplicity Curated Job Feed is a new job feed service that we’ve created exclusively to drive thousands of new jobs from across the United States to our U.S. undergraduate career center clients. This latest CSM update reflects direct feedback from universities and students in our client community, who want to diversify the types of opportunities posted on their school’s career center job board. The goal is to help our client schools drive higher levels of student engagement by increasing and diversifying the types of opportunities posted on the CSM job feed.

Our proprietary technology and team of human curators will scan through hundreds of thousands of jobs from sources outside the CSM network. Schools can opt-in to an automated weekly feed of jobs that have been curated for entry-level job seekers. Curated Jobs will be rolled out in stages based on geographical region beginning in early February. It is available at no-cost to our U.S. undergraduate CSM clients.

Ready to bring more relevant jobs to your institution? Sign-up for Curated Jobs now!

United States, Career Services, Undergraduate

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