Top Reasons to Present at CSM Symposium 2015

Only three months left until our annual CSM Symposium, and only a few weeks left to sign up to be a Best Practice Presenter! We are so excited to see everyone in Austin, Texas this June!

If you are debating whether you would like to present alongside other top universities and Symplicity clients, here are a few benefits to presenting at this year’s CSM Symposium:

Why present?

• Receive a free registration (1 per school)

• Connect with Symplicity staff (you may request to present with a Symplicity staff member)

• Meet and collaborate with CSM users interested in the same topics

• Gain visibility for your school

• Brand yourself as “thought leader” in higher education

• Increase your system knowledge

To help you get started, some best practice presentation from 2014 include: “Using CSM to Increase and Measure Student Engagement: 1st Year Student
Engagement Pilot”, “The Best Tools You Probably Aren’t Using in CSM”, and “Virtual Career Fairs: People Meeting Where They Are”.

Sign up quick before all the spots are filled! Click here to register

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